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Disciple Makers Pathway

  • 54 Steps


Participate in the mission of God with a cohort of like minded disciples! It starts with having a Great Commission heart: Making disciples who make disciples. This pathway will equip you in discovery and obedience based discipleship as you’re coached to plant the gospel in your area and advance God’s Kingdom. “The great Christian revolutions came not by the discovery of something that was not known before. They happen when someone takes radically something that was always there.” - H. Richard Niebuhr “The spontaneous expansion of the Church reduced to its elements is a very simple thing. It asks for no elaborate organization, no large finances, no great numbers of paid missionaries. In its beginning it may be the work of one man, and that a man neither learned in the things of this world, nor rich in the wealth of this world. . . . What is necessary is faith. What is needed is the kind of faith which uniting a man to Christ, sets him on fire.” - Roland Allen

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